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Joanna practices McTimoney chiropractic, craniosacral therapy and spinal touch at clinics in Frome and Bath. She qualified as a McTimoney chiropractor in 1987. She has used craniosacral therapy alongside McTimoney chiropractic since 1988, and more recently became a Spinal Touch practitioner. She was a senior tutor at the McTimoney College of Chiropractic for many years. In 1990 she founded The Well, a successful Natural Health Centre in Birmingham. She was attuned to Reiki many years ago, and more recently has attended workshops on amongst other things, Ilahinoor and Matrix Energetics. Her special interests include working with pregnancy, babies and children.

She learned as a McTimoney chiropractor that our bodies have an innate wisdom, and she is committed to working with gentle bodywork techniques that reflect this philosophy.


As well as treatment sessions, she is available for free spine checks, craniosacral taster sessions (for a donation to charity), and talks and demonstrations to lay and professional groups. She is also actively engaged in passing on basic skills to others who feel drawn to learn. Visit for more information. Joanna’s other interests include singing and making devotional music - see

Joanna is not currently registered with BUPA, having chosen like many other chiropractors and osteopaths to deregister in 2012. For further information please read more here.

©Jo Hanstead 2009  
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